The images above were shot by a Canon point and shoot camera. The glass bottle with rounded edges gave the photographer opportunity to explore linear, symmetrical, and reflection concepts that were outlined in Photo Idea Index by Jim Krause. To highlight the lighting techniques used, the bottle of nail polish is placed on a black background. Because photographic equipment, such as the quartz bulb described on page 258, was not readily available, a L.E.D. camping headlamp, a compact hand mirror, and a small piece of cardboard was used to create the highlights and shadows. Of the many pictures that were taken of this bottle, these five seemed especially striking in terms of composition, texture, and cropping.

Picture #2: This picture is an attempt at backlighting. The L.E.D. lights seem particularly harsh, making the subject seem a bit abstract. It is not completely clear that the image is that of a nail polish bottle. On page 279, however, Krause presents three images that are backlit, and as a result, abstract. The bright lighting in this image makes the paint color seem opaque, and almost nonexistent. This image is effective and visually appealing because it initiates curiosity.

Picture #3: Because the subject is so smooth and reflective, it is compositionally interesting to add a more solid, textured, element to the image. It is not clear what the braid is, but the dramatic lighting and bound rope somehow indicate struggle or distress. The white lines of the brush top very deliberately stretch upward, while the white lines of the rope anchor the image across. This tension, highlighted by the beam of light between the two, is compelling and seem to almost indicate action.
Picture #4: This photo is an example of an extreme close-up. The visual texture created by the bottle's ridges and dried paint, and the color inconsistencies in the bottle itself, allows for imperfection in an otherwise smooth and consistent subject. On page 192, Krause celebrates flaws by saying "Ugly Is Beautiful." Although this photograph may not be qualified as ugly, it is still a compelling photograph because of the unexpected point of view. Further, the composition of this photo is intriguing because of the cropped brush to the left and intentional empty space to the right. The asymmetry challenges the eye to fill in the blanks and make sense of the image.
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